Our bodies are made up of countless cells that need the energy to survive. Our daily functioning relies on the capacity we have as humans, which is expressed through two main forms: potential and kinetic energies (or simply “potential” for short). Macronutrients such as carbs, proteins & lipids all play their part in providing us with this vital force needed by our bodily systems; but depending upon how they're processed within your stomach versus intestinal tract can make quite a difference!
Potential energy is like the battery in your phone. It stores up to make sure you can do something, such as power on lights or appliances when needed; kinetic (moving) energies happen while we use these batteries for our day-to-day activities - walking around carrying groceries at home becomes easier with a good pair of shoes! Chemical energies are stored within molecules and converted into various forms of "kinetic" ones during digestion; this process helps keep us warm through our day-to-day plan activities while also powering other bodily functions like talking.
Chemical changes occur when new bonds form and/or old ones break. Through these processes, our body's structures are built up or carried out; they involve transfers of energy that take place through chemical reactions which can either release more power than what was used in their input(s), require less -- you're distributing it all over again! New relationships want to synthesize while some decompose but still create a cycle- just like how we distribute love.
Synthesis reactions can be like two people coming together to make a baby. All the synthesis reactions that occur in your body are collectively referred to as anabolism, which means “without appreciable breakdown." These types of reversible chemical processes go forward by adding energy at one point on either side, so they always have something happening all along its length.
Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions in our body. The digestive system plays an important role with regards to energy balancing, as muscles transform food into motion and stability through processes such as heat generation or even fluid acceleration; this allows for practical purposes like digestion but also helps provide more than just physical requirements of daily life.
Digestive System Role & Energy Production
The six primary functions of digestion include ingestion, secretion (to move the nutrients through), moving solids in your gut tract where they're broken-down by various cells into molecules small enough that you'll absorb them from there; absorption takes place throughout all areas - even bones! Defecation helps remove what remains after these processes-- everything gets rid except water because we don't really want any more weight than necessary :). The body’s digestive system is a huge part of how it functions. When there are problems with any one or more organs involved in the process, you can expect to see disruptions throughout your whole being as cells aren't getting what they need from this vital function!
The body can store unlimited amounts of fat in case there is an excess consumption. There are three types, each with different purposes: carbohydrates convert into glucose molecules which provide energy for cells; proteins break down into amino acids and polypeptides; fats breakdown further to glycerol plus some components like free fatty acid or amino sugar compounds called ketones that we use as sources our bodies’ main powerhouse.
Carbohydrates or Fats for Energy Production
It's a common misconception that the best energy source is found in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide us with short-term bursts of intense speed, but they also cause extensive spikes in blood sugar levels which can lead to feelings of hunger again soon after consumption has stopped--not exactly what you want when trying not only stay energetic throughout your day but actually perform at peak capacity! On top of this many people recommend getting all possible sources from carbs (a bad idea). Long-lasting energy is produced by consuming fat. If you're looking for the type of nutrients that will help with your performance, then it's time to shift away from processed foods and sugars towards healthy sources such as olive oil or avocado toast!
Carbohydrates are important for our bodies. When we eat them, they turn into glucose which feeds our brains and keeps them working properly. Fructose is also important because it lets us have sweetness in foods without being too sugary or sticky. Galactose provides energy for cellular repair throughout the day. But that's not all: After we eat them, these molecules help us digest food better.
Carbohydrates are the kindling that feeds our metabolic fire. They burn quickly and hot but need to be replenished frequently if used as a primary fuel source--foods rich in manganese help with fat metabolism too!
Glucose is the main source for synthesizing ATP in cells, but it can be used by different kinds of tissue depending on their needs. For example, if a cell requires energy immediately then they will use glucose as fuel; however when there are no options available which means that an organ like liver or muscle has already stored away any excess carbohydrates into glycogen stores so those tissues don't need them right now - these unneeded carbs may end up being turned into fats later downline through adipose secretions during periods without adequate food intake (this process is called ketosis).
Principal vitamins ADEK can be stored in our liver and will only become active when ingested with other lipids. This means that they must first pass through the small intestine, where absorption is poor unless these substances are paired up nicely together!
Fats are like logs that burn more slowly than kindling; they need less constant “stoking" of the metabolic fire. Once digested, fats can be stored in our bodies as triglycerides for future use or burned off through lipolysis (breakdown fat), producing more ATP than glycolysis. It takes longer to break down these molecules into usable energy with oxygen present but if you're going slow and steady then this is where it's at!
Lipids are catabolized to produce ATP. If the body has no immediate need for them, they can be stored as triglycerides throughout your entire being or in adipose tissue and liver where two essential fatty acids-linoleic acid & linolenic acid that cannot synthesize themselves through dietary sources like oils/leafy vegetables etc., muscle cells will routinely convert these from glycerol using epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol which is why you have Adrenal glands at play! First, the triglycerides in our bodies are split into glycerol and fatty acids. The hormones epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, and cortisol all influence lipolysis- meaning those extra fat cells you've got might just disappear! When this process happens your adrenal glands step up to do their part too; they produce more of these important chemical messengers that help promote bodily functions like metabolism or digestion while also speeding things along when it comes time for energy release during exercise.
The liver converts some acetyl CoA molecules known as Ketone bodies in a process called ketosis. These are generated when there is not enough glucose available to break down fats for energy, so they're used instead - this creates an acidic environment that can be virused by bacteria into infections if it isn't kept under control with medication such as antibiotics or metformin (glycoside).
The higher the intensity of work the greater reliance on carbohydrates. The lower the intensity the greater reliance on fats. Determine your daily Respiratory Exchange Ratio- if your workout is more intense rely on carbs. If less intense- rely on fats. In the blog post Nutrients vs Calories, I discussed counting based on the energy required. The proportion of energy being used from fats and carbs can be measured by the use of the respiratory exchange ratio (RER). RER is determined by taking into consideration the following Age, Height, Gender, Weight, and Activity levels- sedentary, lightly active, moderately active, or very active. This ratio represents the amount of carbon dioxide produced to the amount of oxygen consumed. The closer you are to 0.70 RER the greater percentage of fat is being metabolized for caloric needs. As you approach 1.00 a greater percentage of carbohydrate is being metabolized. We never metabolize just fats or just carbs. BALANCE. The preferred fuel for ATP production depends on how in shape we are, dietary habits, exercise intensity, exercise duration, and gender! For instance, during menstruation, a person is more reliant on fatty acid oxidation. This matters when you want to increase your intensity levels.
Different populations around the world eat radically different diets that are adapted to their specific lifestyle (bio-individuality & bioregion). Variety is important for a healthy diet because no one food or food group provides all the nutrients and food types that the body needs. Choosing nutrient-dense foods helps individuals practice moderation to balance calories consumed with calories expended. No single food contains all the vitamins required by the body.
All these factors aid in determining the required number of calories (heat) you need to perform any activities daily. The body does not require the same amount of energy every day. For that matter, it may not require the same amount of energy throughout an entire day. It truly depends on your lifestyle. Therefore, personalized nutrition and bio-individuality is essential to formulating a health plan for any individual. I know we all want a quick fix, but our conditions (habits) did not formulate overnight, therefore there is no quick fix. It takes commitment and discipline. For those who are ready, I am here. Click the link in the bio to book a consultation.