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i am


Your Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

A smiling photo of Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Lifestyle Coach Chanti Randolph
get started

i AM  dedicated

To providing you with personalized care. Together, we forge a sustainable health plan that supports a lifestyle and eating pattern bespoke to YOUR body, goals, and pleasures. Using a root-cause approach I activate self-efficacy by navigating barriers, unveiling deficiencies, reprogramming eating patterns, and affirming self-care tools, tailored uniquely for illuminating your whole body.














tailored health plans designed by YOU


This is NEW-Age Medicine! A fundamental goal of nutritional therapy is to encourage and empower individuals to become knowledgeable and responsible for their well-being! 

 i am

A spoonful of nutrients in the form of supplement powders


It is a privilege to BE YOU! Your wisdom is the best advocator. 
No one Knows you Like YOU! As your Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) I harness the power of your body's ability to heal itself. I investigate the root causes of your health concerns by addressing nutritional deficiencies on a cellular level. This is the era of self-improvement, self-empowerment, self-awareness, and whole-body well-being! Supporting bio-individuality, a personalized whole food nutrient-dense eating pattern, and mindfulness are key foundations of the "Self-ish" program. 

A yogurt parfait with sliced almonds, greek yogurt, blackberries and manuka honey as a healthy and nutritious breakfast or mid-day option

I want to hear your story, goals, and be a supporter on your journey. Click below to access information on "Self-ish" and all the offerings related to creating sustainable solutions. 

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i am inspired


When i is replaced with We even illness becomes wellness


I inspire, motivate, and pursue intentional practices for optimal living. Culturally defined as "Living My Best Life."


Wellness extends beyond the physical being including lifestyle choices, mindfulness, emotions, spirituality, social, and environmental influences on health.


For the active individual pursuing activities towards elevating their awareness, intentional choices, and interest in unique offerings for optimal living. This is for you!


what everyone is saying

i Am Chanti has changed me from the inside out. This program was the exact push I needed to take back the control I needed to feel happy, healthy and whole. I'm so excited to see how far I can go in honoring my body, nourishing my soul, and owning my life! Thank you Chanti!


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i AM  open to reclaiming my time


“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with
drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”- Thomas

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner recommending organic and fresh cold-pressed juice as a healthy way to consume nutrients from fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and vibration.”- Nikola Tesla 

Receive mindfulness techniques and cold-pressed juice recipes and packages from Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner iAmChanti

"I believe in individuality,
that everybody is special, and it’s up to them to find that quality and let it live- Grace Jones, 

Nutritional therapist showing the Motiv Sleep and Fitness Smart Ring as a lifestyle product recommendation for reducing stress and improve daily performance

i Don't Do Fashion. i Am Fashion."

-Coco Chanel

An image of Chanti expressing her passion for fashion in a pair of Manolo Blahnik Lurum  Jeweled Mules.

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Capturing diversity and inclusion of all races, gender, religion, and ideals

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Inspirational lifestyle image capturing a woman taking the time to enjoy the view

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